Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Bridges of Madison County (1995)

A tender love story that is quite a drag, but made tolerable and eventually, even likeable by the mere presence of hereby established, my favourite actress of all times, Meryl Streep. yeah, Clint Eastwood too, but i'm a guy.

Oh! Meryl Streep, how sensuous can you be? How naturally emotions unfurl on her face! how subtly her body language extends the feeling. she's poetry in motion and this movie is nothing without her.

If you're a fan of Meryl Streep, you know which movie not to miss.

Otherwise, its just another romantic film with a bad supporting cast!!

Concept 7/10
Performance 8.5/10 (+ 0.5 purely for Ms Streep)
Screenplay 7/10
Technical 7/10

Overall 7.4/10

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