Monday, September 1, 2008

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

I love Brit comedy! Its naturally funny when you have characters rattling off in short bursts at almost incomprehensible speeds. To top that, they try to give you the nonchalant, everyday expression that has 'big deal' written all over it. With such a combination, even Macbeth will sound funny. Here it gets better. We have a funny horror movie going

British cinema also seems to have an affliction for characterizing losers in their films. Probably that adds to the sarcastic comedy that is their forte. Shaun, our protagonist is one such loser living with a bigger loser (in all senses of the word) who's a close pal, and is desperately trying to get his failing relationship working. Into all this explodes an epidemic of dead-man-walking and suddenly we expect the fun to end. Surprise! Shaun, Ed (the bigger loser) and company are not losing their sense of humor over some silly flesh eating zombies. Rest assured, you'll laugh.

Special mention of Simon Pegg(shaun) and Nick Frost( Ed), who never let the movie go dull!

Concept 7/10
Performance 8/10
Screenplay 7.5/10
Technical 7.5/10

Overall 7.5/10

1 comment:

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